Rick Samco Photography

Rick Samco Photography


Early this year, we decided to spend two weeks in Morocco in late March, after a month at our Provence shared house, Chez Mirabel. After a bit of research, we enlisted Journey Beyond Travel to organize a personalized trip for us and our Portland friends, Ann & Bill, with a focus on Morocco's unique interior:

The resulting trip was a wild success in many respects, some of which were:

  • A great sampling of this incredibly diverse country, from lush agricultural to dry desert areas.
  • Great guides who often got us off the "beaten path," giving us local cultural experiences.
  • Fantastic traditional riads for lodging.
  • Brahim, our excellent driver/guide who was an absolute joy to spend two weeks with and get to know.

On the photographic front, the trip was definitely not photographically focused. But I found Morocco to be full of easily-nabbed, photogenic locations. As a result, I brought home a surprising number of pleasing images, without the usual expenditure of time and effort.