Rick Samco Photography

Rick Samco Photography

Serengeti (October 11-13)

Serengeti means "endless plains" and we found that apt for the southern and central portions. The migratory animals, principally wildabeests and zebras, spend each year in a huge clockwise migration in the Serengeti between Tanzania and Kenya, following the rains and attendant green grass. This year they were about two months early in returning from the north and had just begun to arrive in central Serengeti (aka Seronera). That was fortunate for us because it meant that we saw them on the open plains and all the predatory cats were very busy. In fact that is what really characterized the Serengeti for me -- the large number of cats of all kinds. We saw a Serval, many cheetah and leopards, and an unbelievable number of lion. One of the most memoriable events was watching a lion nab a zebra. We waited for more than 30 minutes for a zebra to unwittingly get too close to a lion waiting in the tall grass. It then took almost 25 minutes for that zebra to succumb to the attacker, with some help from a second lion.

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Serengeti Watering Hole:

Serengeti Hippo Pool:

Serengeti Sunset:

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